Database driven Online Web Forms

Faculty of Science should view this page here

SFU Semester Schedule for TA Applications, TUG Forms, and Evaluations


Create a course list of next semester's Courses (the semester applications will be for). If the courses have been entered in FacSIMS they may be imported from FacSIMS. Alternately they may be imported from an excel spreadsheet or duplicated and modified/updated from an earlier semester.

In order for the valuelist 'classlist' to be generated (which creates the dropdown list of courses in the online application) you must go to the Courses table and change the semester in the 'course_offerings' table field CourseTAneededValueList:

If ( ((PatternCount ( TATM ; "T" )>0)  and (Year Semester ="1254")) ; course ;""  ) 
to next semester. Variables ($$SemesterNext) or global fields (<<global_information_tawebform::Semester next>>) will not work!

Some Differences between Departments

Simon Fraser University term schedule