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SFU Science Outreach Activity If other:
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Q1. What are your reasons for bringing your students to this activity? (Please select all that apply)
Provide science role models  Talk about careers in science  Provide students with exposure to "real" science  Help teach the subject matter  Access specialized facilities and equipment  Have a high quality field trip to a university  Other  - please specify:


Q2.  As an educator, to what extent did the science activity...
Offer an opportunity to learn more about the topic To a great extent  Some extent  A Little   Not at all  
Give you new perspectives on how to teach this topic To a great extent  Some extent  A Little   Not at all  
Build your confidence in teaching this topic To a great extent  Some extent  A Little   Not at all  
Provide you with ideas that you can use to teach this topic in your classroom To a great extent  Some extent  A Little   Not at all  
Increase your interest in science To a great extent  Some extent  A Little   Not at all  
Encourage you to do more hands-on science activities To a great extent  Some extent  A Little   Not at all  
Encourage you to address current issues in science To a great extent  Some extent  A Little   Not at all  

Q3.  How valuable are the following in ensuring student success in science...
Having university role models who are knowledgeable about science interact with your students Extremely valuable  Very valuable  Somewhat valuable  Not at all  
Bringing current science topics into the classroom Extremely valuable  Very valuable  Somewhat valuable  Not at all  
Providing hands-on learning opportunities for students Extremely valuable  Very valuable  Somewhat valuable  Not at all  
Providing enriched learning opportunities in science for students Extremely valuable  Very valuable  Somewhat valuable  Not at all  
Providing opportunities to hear about the range of careers and post-secondary studies in science Extremely valuable  Very valuable  Somewhat valuable  Not at all  


Q4.  Please rate the following aspects of the activity:
Concepts developed in an age-appropriate manner Excellent  Very Good  Good  Fair  Poor  
Well‑organized to develop student understanding  Excellent  Very Good  Good  Fair  Poor  
Students engaged in hands-on/minds-on activities Excellent  Very Good  Good  Fair  Poor  
Q5.  How could this activity be improved for you and your class/group?


Q6.  Please rate the following aspects of teaching:
Facilitator preparation  Excellent  Very Good  Good  Fair  Poor  
Facilitator knowledge Excellent  Very Good  Good  Fair  Poor  
Facilitator enthusiasm Excellent  Very Good  Good  Fair  Poor  
   Overall ability as an educator Excellent  Very Good  Good  Fair  Poor  
Q7.  Please add any other comment on the facilitator(s):


Q8.  Please share additional comments to help us improve the quality of your overall experience visiting the SFU campus:
Q9. How likely is it that you would recommend this activity to a friend or colleague?
Not at all likely Extremely likely           
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10