To help us serve our community better, please fill out this brief survey. Individual responses will be kept confidential and will not be used for future communications unless you specify that you would like to be added to our mailing list. Thank you!

Your School Name Grade
SFU Science Outreach Activity If other:
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Q1. Before you attended this SFU activity, were you interested in science?
Yes  No  

Q2. How has your experience at SFU affected your interest in science?
I am more interested.  I am less interested.  My interest has not changed.  

Q3. Do you think about the career or job you would like to have when you finish all your schooling?
I think about it a lot.  I think about it sometimes.  I am not thinking about my future job/career at the moment.  

Q4. Before this visit, have you ever attended SFU science-oriented activities? Yes  No  
Q5. Please describe any other community science activities you have attended with your class, including field trips or class visits:

Q6. How has this experience at SFU affected your:
Excitement about science? Increased  Decreased  Unchanged  
Confidence in doing science? Increased  Decreased  Unchanged  
Desire to pursue additional science opportunities such as science fairs or clubs? Increased  Decreased  Unchanged  
Knowledge of the topics covered? Increased  Decreased  Unchanged  
Desire to take/continue optional science classes in high school? Increased  Decreased  Unchanged  
Understanding of the role science plays in your everyday life? Increased  Decreased  Unchanged  
Desire to study science after high school at a college or university? Increased  Decreased  Unchanged  
Awareness of jobs/careers that need a science background? Increased  Decreased  Unchanged  
Desire to have a career that uses science? Increased  Decreased  Unchanged  

Q7. Please let us know how well these statements fit you:
A good understanding of science is important for everyday life. Totally agree  Agree  Not really  No way!  
I can have a science related career with a certificate or diploma from a community college. Totally agree  Agree  Not really  No way!  
Having a good understanding of science will help to improve a person’s future science prospects – even if they don’t go on to have a career in science. Totally agree  Agree  Not really  No way!  
You need a university degree to have a science related career. Totally agree  Agree  Not really  No way!  
Desire to study science after high school at a college or university? Totally agree  Agree  Not really  No way!  
If fewer students pursue science, this will have an impact on our society in the long term. Totally agree  Agree  Not really  No way!  
You need to know science to do a skilled trade (example: mechanic, hair stylist, cook). Totally agree  Agree  Not really  No way!  

Q8. The majority of future jobs in Canada will involve science. Does knowing this make you more likely to choose a science related career path in the future?
Yes, much more likely.  Probably more likely.  No.  

Q9. What part of the activity was MOST enjoyable and why?

Q10. What part of the activity was LEAST enjoyable and why?

Q11. How could this activity be improved for you and your class/group?

Q12. How likely is it that you would recommend this activity to a friend?
Not at all likely Extremely likely           
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10             
Gender?  Male  Female              Are you an aboriginal person? Yes  No