Faculty & Staff
School Name
City Province Postal Code
Principal Name School District Select your School DistrictSD 35 SD 36 SD 37 SD 38 SD 39 SD 40 SD 41 SD 42 SD 43 SD 44 SD 45 Others
Age Group Elementary Middle Secondary PreSchool University Adult Senior
Class Grade(s) P K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Others
Number of Students
Teacher's Information
First Name Last Name
Phone Cell Phone
Have you previously attended SFU science outreach activities?Yes No (If yes, list them in the comments)
How did you did you hear about SFU Science Outreach?(please check all that apply) School Principal Professional Association Parent Email Website Social media (Facebook,Twitter, etc) News stories in newspaper/radio/television Signs, brochures Advertisement in newspaper/radio/television Family, friend or colleague SFU employee Other
If other, or a website or media site, please specify the source:
What is your primary reason for bringing your students to this activity? Provide science role models Talk about careers in science Provide students with exposure to "real" science Help teach the subject matter Access specialized facilities and equipment Have a high quality field trip to a university Other- please specify in the comments.
Intended length of the session (in mins):
1st Preferred Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)
2nd Preferred Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)
3rd Preferred Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)
4th Preferred Date: (yyyy/mm/dd)
Do you prefer an in-person activity (either Burnaby or Surrey campus) or a virtual workshop or both?In-person Virtual Both
Do you prefer Teams or Zoom?Teams Zoom
Will students be able to hear or see us?Yes No
Are we able to hear or see the students?Yes No
Do students have access to mobile devices for virtual interactive activities (ie. Kahoot)?Yes No
Comments. To better tailor the program for providing a new and engaging experience, please describe the activities you are currently doing in your own classroom.
Curriculum and topics covered. Describe the depth of the topics covered in class or to provide other information you want us to know.
This information is collected under the authority of the University Act [RSBC 1996 c.468 s. 27(4)(a)] and is needed by the University to operate the Science Outreach program. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the Science Outreach Coordinator at