Faculty of Science IT Support Request

Links to additional help

Report poor wireless reception and other problems with campus wireless connectivity directly to SFU IT Services.

Your Information & Location



(concise description of the request or problem)

For security reasons special characters like greater than (>) or less than (<) are not allowed.

Information that may help us with troubleshooting:

   On a Dell this should be found on a sticker affixed to the computer case, on a mac the serial number is under the black apple/ 'About this Mac...' (you can double click to highlight it, then copy and paste)

Allowed extensions: bmp jpeg jpg png csv doc docx gif pdf xlsx tiff tif txt

    (Upon submitting the form you will be forwarded to the Faculty of Science IT Support website and receive a confirmation email)

COLLECTION NOTICE: By using this support tool, your personal information is collected through TeamDynamix for SFU under the authority of the University Act (RSBC 1996, c.468) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSBC 1996, c.165). It is related directly to and needed by the University to handle your support request. The information will be used to communicate with you about your request or incident, and hopefully provide you with relevant helpful information, updates, and resolutions. The personal information collected includes any personal details you provide here and subsequent email correspondence with the supporting team related to your request or incident. Do not enter passwords, confidential information, or any unnecessary personal information.