Working Examples and Suggestions for searches

Drop down list of Phylogeny species:
Drop down list of Ben Woo species:       
1. Only enter the beginning letters to find things quickly:
2. Use an asterisk ('*') for text or greater than 0 ('>0') for numbers to find all records with an entry in that field:
Chemical Reactions- enter colour or '*' (since his abbreviations are not consistent it is good to see the variety he used by entering an asterisk)
                  FeSO4: Sulfo-formol: Sulfo-vanillin:       
No locale entered and Span of WTU accessions
Collection number       
3. Use three dots ('...') between two numbers or dates to find all records with an entry in that range:
                 Date Range or 1992...2000 or >1999       
4. Use a greater than ('>') or less than ('<') sign before a Number:
After (greater) Date
Data Sheet entered but no extended Locality Information entered
3. Select here to find all the images:
             Limit search to records with Illustrations?      

Sort columns by clicking on the column header (second click toggles ascending/descending).