Selected Publications of Leah Bendell

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8. Kazmiruk, TN; Kazmiruk, VD; Bendell, LI.  (2018)   Abundance and distribution of microplastics within surface sediments of a key shellfish growing region of Canada.  PLoS One 13 DOI  PubMed
7. Munier, B; Bendell, LI.  (2018)   Macro and micro plastics sorb and desorb metals and act as a point source of trace metals to coastal ecosystems.  PLoS One 13 DOI  PubMed
6. St Clair, CT; Baird, P; Ydenberg, R; Elner, R; Bendell, LI.  (2015)   Trace elements in pacific Dunlin (Calidris alpina pacifica): patterns of accumulation and concentrations in kidneys and feathers.  Ecotoxicology 24: 29-44 DOI  PubMed
5. Whiteley, J; Bendell-Young, L.  (2007)   Ecological implications of intertidal mariculture: observed differences in bivalve community structure between farm and reference sites.  Journal of Applied Ecology 44: 495-505  PDF DOI
4. Morrissey, CA; Bendell-Young, LI; Elliott, JE.  (2005)   Identifying sources and biomagnification of persistent organic contaminants in biota from mountain streams of southwestern British Columbia, Canada.  Environmental Science & Technology 39: 8090-8098
3. Morrissey, CA; Bendell-Young, LI; Elliott, JE.  (2004)   Linking contaminant profiles to the diet and breeding location of American dippers using stable isotopes.  Journal of Applied Ecology 41: 502-512
2. Widmeyer, JR; Crozier, ED; Moore, MM; Jurgensen, A; Bendell-Young, LI.  (2004)   Role of Leptothrix discophora in mediating metal uptake in the filter-feeding bivalve Mytilus trossulus (edulis).  Environmental Science & Technology 38: 769-774
1. Bendell-Young, LI.  (1999)   Application of a kinetic model of bioaccumulation across a pH and salinity gradient for the prediction of cadmium uptake by the sediment dwelling chironomidae.  Environmental Science & Technology 33: 1501-1508
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