Selected Publications of John Reynolds

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33. Godwin, SC; Krkosek, M; Reynolds, JD; Bateman, AW.  (2021)   Bias in self-reported parasite data from the salmon farming industry.  Ecol. Appl. 31 DOI  PubMed
32. Price, MHH; Moore, JW; Connors, BM; Wilson, KL; Reynolds, JD.  (2021)   Portfolio simplification arising from a century of change in salmon population diversity and artificial production.  J. Appl. Ecol. 58: 1477-1486 DOI
31. Wilcox, KA; Wagner, MA; Reynolds, JD.  (2021)   Salmon subsidies predict territory size and habitat selection of an avian insectivore.  PLoS One 16 DOI  PubMed
30. Oke K.B., Cunningham C.J., Westley P.A.H., Baskett M.L., Carlson S.M., Clark J., Hendry A.P., Karatayev V.A., Kendall N.W., Kibele J., Kindsvater H.K., Kobayashi K.M., Lewis B., Munch S., Reynolds J.D., Vick G.K., Palkovacs E.P.  (2020)   Recent declines in salmon body size impact ecosystems and fisheries.  Nat. Commun. 11  Scopus Website DOI  PubMed
29. Munoz, NJ; Reynolds, JD; Moore, JW; Neff, BD.  (2019)   Salmon in clear and present danger.  Science 366: 582-582 DOI  PubMed
28. Wagner, MA; Reynolds, JD.  (2019)   Salmon increase forest bird abundance and diversity.  PLoS One 14 DOI  PubMed
27. Pardo, SA; Cooper, AB; Reynolds, JD; Dulvy, NK.  (2018)   Quantifying the known unknowns: estimating maximum intrinsic rate of population increase in the face of uncertainty.  ICES J. Mar. Sci. 75 DOI
26. van den Top, GG; Reynolds, JD; Prins, HHT; Mattsson, J; Green, DJ; Ydenberg, RC.  (2018)   From salmon to salmonberry: The effects of salmon-derived nutrients on the stomatal density of leaves of the nitriphilic shrub Rubus spectabilis.  Funct. Ecol. 32 DOI
25. Kindsvater, HK; Reynolds, JD; de Mitcheson, YS; Mangel, M.  (2017)   Selectivity matters: Rules of thumb for management of plate-sized, sex-changing fish in the live reef food fish trade.  Fish. Fish. 18: 821-836 DOI
24. Hurteau, LA; Mooers, AO; Reynolds, JD; Hocking, MD.  (2016)   Salmon nutrients are associated with the phylogenetic dispersion of riparian flowering-plant assemblages.  Ecology 97: 450-460 DOI
23. Kindsvater, HK; Braun, DC; Otto, SP; Reynolds, JD.  (2016)   Costs of reproduction can explain the correlated evolution of semelparity and egg size: theory and a test with salmon.  Ecology Letters 19: 687-696 DOI
22. Kindsvater, HK; Mangel, M; Reynolds, JD; Dulvy, NK.  (2016)   Ten principles from evolutionary ecology essential for effective marine conservation.  Ecology and Evolution 6: 2125-2138 DOI
21. Pardo, SA; Kindsvater, HK; Reynolds, JD; Dulvy, NK.  (2016)   Maximum intrinsic rate of population increase in sharks, rays, and chimaeras: the importance of survival to maturity.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73: 1159-1163 DOI
20. Weir, LK; Kindsvater, HK; Young, KA; Reynolds, JD.  (2016)   Sneaker Males Affect Fighter Male Body Size and Sexual Size Dimorphism in Salmon.  American Naturalist 188: 264-271 DOI
19. Godwin, SC; Dill, LM; Reynolds, JD; Krkosek, M.  (2015)   Sea lice, sockeye salmon, and foraging competition: lousy fish are lousy competitors.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72: 1113-1120 DOI
18. Harding, JMS; Segal, MR; Reynolds, JD.  (2015)   Location Is Everything: Evaluating the Effects of Terrestrial and Marine Resource Subsidies on an Estuarine Bivalve.  PLoS One 10 DOI
17. Swain, NR; Reynolds, JD.  (2015)   Effects of Salmon-Derived Nutrients and Habitat Characteristics on Population Densities of Stream-Resident Sculpins.  PLoS One 10 DOI
16. Swain, NR; Hocking, MD; Harding, JN; Reynolds, JD.  (2014)   Effects of salmon on the diet and condition of stream-resident sculpins.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 521-532 DOI
15. Artelle, KA; Anderson, SC; Cooper, AB; Paquet, PC; Reynolds, JD; Darimont, CT.  (2013)   Confronting Uncertainty in Wildlife Management: Performance of Grizzly Bear Management.  PLOS One 8 DOI
14. Hocking, MD; Dulvy, NK; Reynolds, JD; Ring, RA; Reimchen, TE.  (2013)   Salmon subsidize an escape from a size spectrum.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 280 DOI
13. Braun, DC; Reynolds, JD.  (2012)   Cost-effective variable selection in habitat surveys.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 388-396 DOI
12. Connors, B.M., Braun, D.C., Peterman, R.M., Cooper, A.B., Reynolds, J.D., Dill, L.M., Ruggerone, G.T. & Krkosek, M.  (2012)   Migration links ocean-scale competition and local ocean conditions with exposure to farmed salmon to shape wild salmon dynamics.  Conservation Letters 2012, 1-9  Website DOI
11. Reynolds, J.D., Favaro, B. & Côté.  (2012)   Canada: A bleak day for the environment.  Nature 487, 171  Website DOI
10. Field, RD; Reynolds, JD.  (2011)   Sea to sky: impacts of residual salmon-derived nutrients on estuarine breeding bird communities.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 278: 3081-3088 DOI
9. Hocking, MD; Reynolds, JD.  (2011)   Impacts of Salmon on Riparian Plant Diversity.  Science 331 DOI
8. Dulvy, NK; Reynolds, JD.  (2009)   BIODIVERSITY Skates on thin ice.  Nature 462: 417-417 DOI
7. Paddack, MJ; Reynolds, JD; Aguilar, C; Appeldoorn, RS; Beets, J; Burkett, EW; Chittaro, PM; Clarke, K; Esteves, R; Fonseca, AC; Forrester, GE; Friedlander, AM; Garcia-Sais, J; Gonzalez-Sanson, G; Jordan, LKB; McClellan, DB; Miller, MW; Molloy, PP; Mumby, PJ; Nagelkerken, I; Nemeth, M; Navas-Camacho, R; Pitt, J; Polunin, NVC; Reyes-Nivia, MC; Robertson, DR; Rodriguez-Ramirez, A; Salas, E; Smith, SR; Spieler, RE; Steele, MA; Williams, ID; Wormald, CL; Watkinson, AR; Côté, IM.  (2009)   Recent Region-wide Declines in Caribbean Reef Fish Abundance.  Current Biology 19: 590-595 DOI
6. Perry, AL; Low, PJ; Ellis, JR; Reynolds, JD.  (2005)   Climate change and distribution shifts in marine fishes.  Science 308: 1912-1915
5. Reynolds, JD; Freckleton, RP.  (2005)   Population dynamics: Growing to extremes.  Science 309: 567-568
4. Reynolds, JD; Sheldon, BC.  (2003)   Animal behaviour: Wise fathers.  Nature 422: 669-670
3. Reynolds, JD; Mace, GM.  (1999)   Risk assessments of threatened species.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 14: 215-217
2. Côté, IM; Reynolds, JD.  (1998)   Tropical fish: explosions and extinctions.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13: 475-476
1. Reynolds, JD.  (1996)   Animal breeding systems.  Trends in Ecology & Evolution 11: A68-A72
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