Course Course Name Instructor Needed Estimated BUs
BISC101     General Biology M. Barker  TA  5.17
BISC102     General Biology M. Meents  TA  5.17
BISC113OL     Biology in Everyday Life (Online) T. McMullan  TA  4.17-7.17
BISC202     Genetics I. Mladenovic  TA  3.17-6.17
BISC300     Evolution R. Mathewes  TA  3.17-6.17
BISC303     Microbiology J. Fowler, Sessional  TA  5.17
BISC316     Vertebrate Biology E. Barley, T. McMullan  TA  3.17-5.17
BISC333     Developmental Biology K. Fitzpatrick  TA  3.17-6.17

Semester Summer 2025 (1254). All classes are held at the Burnaby campus unless otherwise indicated and require Teaching Assistants. Offerings are contingent upon final budgetary authorization and enrolment numbers.
Applications for sessional positions are at