Course Course Name Instructor
CHEM110/111     Introductory Chemistry ONLINE Sophie Lavieri
CHEM111_S     Introductory Chemistry and Laboratory SURREY Nigare Raheem
CHEM120/121_S     General Chemistry I; Surrey Campus Nigare Raheem
CHEM120/121/125_S      Nigare Raheem
CHEM121     General Chemistry and Laboratory I Garry Mund
CHEM121_L     General Chemistry and Laboratory I (LAB) John Canal/Carla Pretorius,
CHEM121_S     General Chemistry and Laboratory I; Surrey Campus (LEC) Nigare Raheem
CHEM122     General Chemistry II Andrew Bennett
CHEM122_S     General Chemistry II; Surrey Campus Corina Andreoiu
CHEM126     General Chemistry Laboratory II Rebecca Goyan
CHEM126_S     General Chemistry Laboratory II; Surrey Campus Nigare Raheem/Corina Andreoiu,
CHEM210     Introduction to Analytical Chemistry (Marking) Paul Li
CHEM216     Introduction to Analytical Chemistry Laboratory Paul Li
CHEM260     Atoms, Molecules, Spectroscopy Gary Leach
CHEM266     Physical Chemistry Laboratory I (Lecture) Carla Pretorius
CHEM281     Organic Chemistry I Patty Somers
CHEM281/5 L      Uwe Kreis
CHEM282/3/4     Organic Chemistry II/b (Intersession) Pete Wilson
CHEM286     General Chemistry II Pete Wilson
CHEM316     Introductory Instrumental Analysis Byron Gates
CHEM316/317      Byron Gates
CHEM317     Analytical Environmental Chemistry Byron Gates
CHEM336     Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory Garry Mund
CHEM360     Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics Mohammadreza Karamad
CHEM391     Industrial Chemistry Vance Williams
CHEM399     Special Topics in Chemistry and Society Neil Branda
NUSC346     Radiochemistry Laboratory Krzysztof Starosta

We found 27 courses for the current Semester Spring 2025 (1251).