MBB110 |
Data Analysis for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
| Dr. S. Sneddon |
sasneddo@sfu.ca |
MBB201 |
Biochemistry of the Cell
| Dr. D. Setiaputra |
dsetiapu@sfu.ca |
MBB222 |
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
| Dr. D. King |
dustink@sfu.ca |
MBB229 |
Introductory MBB Lab
| Dr. P. Unrau |
punrau@sfu.ca |
MBB231 |
Cellular Biology and Biochemistry
| Dr. I. Northwood |
inorthwo@sfu.ca |
MBB309W |
Biochemistry Laboratory
| Dr. I. Kovalyova |
ikovalyo@sfu.ca |
MBB321 |
Intermediary Metabolism
| Dr. I. Northwood |
inorthwo@sfu.ca |
MBB322 |
Molecular Physiology
| Dr. J. Choy |
jcc54@sfu.ca |
MBB324 |
Protein Biochemistry
| Dr. E. Young |
youngec@sfu.ca |
MBB331 |
Molecular Biology
| Dr. S. Vlachos |
svlachos@sfu.ca |
MBB420 |
Proteins in Health and Disease
| Dr. M. Paetzel |
mpaetzel@sfu.ca |
MBB427 |
Immune System II: Immune Responses in Health and Disease
| Dr. M. Larijani |
mlarijan@sfu.ca |
MBB438 |
Human Molecular Genetics
| Dr. E. Verheyen |
everheye@sfu.ca |
MBB441 |
| Dr. S. Sneddon |
sasneddo@sfu.ca |
MBB446 |
Molecular Biology of Cancer
| Dr. S. Gorski |
sga49@sfu.ca |
MBB447 |
Stem Cells - Current Trends
| Dr. L. Julian |
ljulian@sfu.ca |