Course Course Name Instructor Needed Estimated BUs
MBB110     Data Analysis for Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dr. S. Sneddon    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB201     Biochemistry of the Cell Dr. L. Braid    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB222     Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Dr. D. King    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB229     Introductory Molecular Biology and Biochemistry Laboratory Dr. I. Kovalyova, Dr. S. Sneddon    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB231     Cellular Biology and Biochemistry Dr. I. Northwood    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB308     Molecular Biology Laboratory Dr. S. Vlachos    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB321     Intermediary Metabolism Dr. F. Pio    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB322     Molecular Physiology Dr. J. Choy    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB323     Introduction to Physical Biochemistry Dr. F. Pio    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB326     Introduction to the Immune System Dr. I. Northwood    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB328     Introduction to Microbial Pathogenesis Dr. A. Lee    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB331     Molecular Biology Dr. I. Kovalyova    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB342     Introductory Genomics and Bioinformatics Dr. F. Brinkman    TA  3.17-5.17
MBB402     Cell Signalling in Development and Disease Dr. E. Verheyen    TA  2-5
MBB445     Infectious Disease Mechanisms Dr. L. Craig    TA  2-5
MBB465     Cancer Genomics Dr. R. Morin    TA  2-5
MBB478     Molecular Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases Dr. W. Hsiao    TA  2-5

Semester Fall 2024 (1247). All classes are held at the Burnaby campus unless otherwise indicated and require Teaching Assistants. Offerings are contingent upon final budgetary authorization and enrolment numbers.