Publications of Glyn Williams-Jones

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84. Angelbeck, B; Springer, C; Jones/Yaqalatqa7, J; Willimas-Jones, G; Wilson, MC.  Líĺwat climbers could see the ocean from the peak of Qẃelqẃelústen: Evaluating oral traditions with viewshed analyses from the Mount Meager Volcanic Complex prior to its 2360 BP eruption.   American Antiquity,  2024,  89:378-398  PDF DOI
83. Anzieta, JC; Williams-Jones, G; Ortiz, HD; Ruiz, MC.  Investigating 10 yr of volcanoacoustic activity at Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador, aided by machine learning.   Seismological Research Letters,  2024,    Link DOI
82. Aufrère, S; Williams-Jones, G; Moune, S; Morgan, D; Vigouroux, N; Russell, JK.  Olivine time-capsules constrain the pre-eruptive history of Holocene basalts, Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, British Columbia, Canada.   Journal of Petrology,  2024,  65: egae089  Website DOI
81. Clance, J; Shaffer, J; Cable, M; Stenner, C; Williams-Jones, G; Szynkiewicz, A; Paton, M; Graham, H; Vinnes, O; Mikucki, J.  Biogeochemistry of the rare sulfidic glaciovolcanic cave system on Mount Meager, British Columbia, Canada.   Frontiers in Geochemistry,  2024,  2, 1410338  Website DOI
80. Connolly, JP; Sepúlveda, SA; Williams-Jones, G.  Q̓welq̓welústen / Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, British Columbia: Inter-eruptive landslide susceptibility assessment using statistical machine learning techniques.   Volcanica,  2024,  7: 639–663  PDF DOI
79. Jones, TJ; Nyce Jr, H; Le Moigne, Y; Williams-Jones, G; Nyce, D.  Rethinking natural hazards research and engagement to include co-creation with Indigenous communities.   npj Natural Hazards,  2024,   1: 34  Website DOI
78. Muhammad, M; Williams-Jones, G; Barendregt, RW.  Structural geology of the Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, BC, Canada: Implications for geothermal energy and geohazards.   Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,  2024,  61: 158-186  PDF DOI
77. Unnsteinsson, T; Flowers, G; Williams-Jones, G.  Formation and persistence of glaciovolcanic voids explored with analytical and numerical models.   Journal of Glaciology,  2024,    PDF DOI
76. Anzieta, J, Pacheco, D, Williams-Jones, G, Ruiz, M.  Cleaning volcano‑seismic event catalogues: a machine learning application for robust systems and potential crises in volcano observatories.   Bulletin of Volcanology,  2023,  85: 59  PDF DOI
75. Russell, JK, Edwards, B, Williams-Jones, G, Hickson, C.  Pleistocene to Holocene Volcanism in the Canadian Cordillera.   Canadian Journal of Earth Science,  2023,  60: 1443–1466  PDF DOI
74. Walsh, B; Lormand, C; Procter, J; Williams-Jones, G.  Characterizing the evolution of mass flow properties and dynamics through analysis of seismic signals: Insights from the 18 March 2007 Mt. Ruapehu lake-breakout lahar.   Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,  2023,  23: 1029-1044  Link DOI
73. Jones, TJ; Le Moigne, Y; Russell, JK; Williams-Jones, G; Giordano, D; Dingwell, DB.  Inflated pyroclasts in proximal fallout deposits reveal abrupt transitions in eruption behaviour.   Nature Communications,  2022,  13: 2832  Website DOI
72. Kelman, M; William-Jones, G; Warwick, R.  Volcanoes In: Safaie, S., Johnstone, S., Hastings, N.L.,eds. Resilient Pathways Report: Co-creating new Knowledge for Understanding Risk and Resilience in BC.   Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 8910,  2022,   DOI
71. Le Moigne, Y; Vigouroux, N; Russell, JK; Williams-Jones, G.  Magmatic origin and storage conditions for the eruption of Tseax volcano, Northern Cordillera Volcanic Province, Canada.   Chemical Geology,  2022,  588: 120648  Website DOI
70. Le Moigne, Y; Williams-Jones, G; Vigouroux, N; Russell, JK.  Chronology and eruption dynamics of the historic ~ 1700 CE eruption of Tseax Volcano, British Columbia, Canada.   Frontiers in Earth Science,  2022,  10: 910451  PDF DOI
69. Muhammad, M, Williams-Jones, G, Stead, D, Tortini, R, Falorni, G, Donati, D.  Applications of image-based computer vision for remote surveillance of slope instability.   Frontiers in Earth Science,  2022,  10: 909078  Website DOI
68. Sobolewski, L; Stenner, C; Williams-Jones. G; Anitori, R; Davis, RE; Pflitsh, A.  Implications of the study of subglacial volcanism and glaciovolcanic cave systems.   Bulletin of Volcanology,,  2022,  84  Website DOI
67. Warwick, R; Williams-Jones, G; Kelman, M; Witter, JB.  A scenario-based volcanic hazard assessment for the Mount Meager Volcanic Complex, British Columbia.   Journal of Applied Volcanology,  2022,  11:1-22  Website DOI
66. Anzieta, J; Williams-Jones, G; Bernard, B; Ortiz, H; Vallejo, S; Ruiz, M.  Reviewing volcano hazard and risk communications in Ecuador: Experiences from a fast-format workshop.   Volcanica,  2021,  4: 309–324  PDF DOI
65. Muhammad, M; Barendregt, RW; Williams-Jones, G.  Structural geology constraints and its influence on geothermal systems, Mt. Meager, BC.   Proceedings of the Canadian Geothermal Students' Day, Geothermal Canada,  2021,  P2111: 1-15  PDF
64. Russell, JK; Stewart, M; Wilson, A; Williams-Jones, G.  Eruption of Mount Meager, British Columbia during the early Fraser glaciation.   Canadian Journal of Earth Science,  2021,  58: 1146-1154  PDF DOI
63. Le Moigne, Y, Zurek, JM, Williams-Jones, G, Lev, E; Calahorrano-Di Patre, A; Anzieta, JC.  Standing waves in high speed lava channels: A tool for constraining lava flow dynamics and eruptive parameters.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2020,  401, 106944  PDF DOI
62. Le Moigne, Y; Williams-Jones, G; Russell, JK; Quane, S.  Physical volcanology of Tseax volcano, British Columbia, Canada.   Journal of Maps,  2020,  16(2), 363-375  PDF DOI
61. Roberti, G; Ward, B; van Wyk de Vries, B; Le Corvec, N; Venugopal, S; Williams-Jones, G; Clague, JJ; Friele, P; Falorni, G; Baldeon, G; Perotti, L; Giardino, M; Menounos, B.  Could glacial retreat-related landslides trigger volcanic eruptions? Insights from Mount Meager, British Columbia.   In: Vilímek V., Wang F., Strom A., Sassa K., Bobrowsky P.T., Takara K. (eds) Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk. WLF 2020. ICL Contribution to Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction. Springer,  2020,    PDF DOI
60. Venugopal, S; Schiavi, F; Moune, S; Bolfan-Casanova, N; Druitt, T; Williams-Jones, G.  Melt inclusion vapour bubbles: the hidden reservoir for major, trace and volatile elements.   Nature Scientific Reports,  2020,  10, 9034  PDF DOI
59. Ward, B; Williams-Jones, G; Geertsema, M.  Moving Mountains: Landslides and Volcanoes in a Warming Cryosphere.   State of the Mountains Report, Alpine Club of Canada,  2020,  3: 4-11  PDF
58. Williams-Jones, G; Barendregt, RW; Russell, JK; Le Moigne, Y; Enkin, RJ; Gallo R.  The age of the Tseax volcanic eruption, British Columbia, Canada.   Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,  2020,    PDF DOI
57. Calahorrano-Di Patre, A; Williams-Jones, G; Battaglia, M; Mothes, P; Gaunt, E; Zurek, J; Ruiz, M; Witter, J.  Hydrothermal fluid migration due to interaction with shallow magma: Insights from gravity changes before and after the 2015 eruption of Cotopaxi volcano, Ecuador.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2019,  387  PDF DOI
56. Caravantes, G., Rymer, H., Zurek, J., Ebmeier, S., Blake, S. & Williams-Jones, G.  Structures controlling volcanic activity within Masaya caldera, Nicaragua.   Volcanica,  2019,    PDF DOI
55. Rymer, H; Martinez, M; Brenes, J; Williams-Jones, G; Borgia, A.  Geophysical and geochemical precursors to changes in activity at Poás volcano.   In Tassi, F., Vaselli, O. & Mora-Amador, R. (Eds.) Poás volcano (Costa Rica): The pulsing heart of Central America Volcanic Zone,  2019,  203-211  PDF DOI
54. Venugopal, S; Moune, S; Williams-Jones, G; Druitt, T; Vigouroux, N; Wilson, A; Russell, JK.  Two distinct mantle sources beneath the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt: Insight from olivine-hosted melt inclusions.   Chem. Geol.,  2019,  532, 119346  PDF DOI
53. Wespestad, CE; Thurber, CH; Andersen, NL; Singer, BS; Cardona, C; Zeng, XF; Bennington, NL; Keranen, K; Peterson, DE; Cordell, D; Unsworth, M; Miller, C; Williams-Jones, G.  Magma Reservoir Below Laguna del Maule Volcanic Field, Chile, Imaged With Surface-Wave Tomography.   Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth,  2019,  124: 2858-2872  PDF DOI
52. Zurek, J; Moune, S; Williams-Jones, G; Vigouroux, N; Gauthier, PJ.  Melt inclusion evidence for long term steady-state volcanism at Las Sierras-Masaya volcano, Nicaragua.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2019,  378: 16-28  PDF DOI
51. Mauri, G; Saracco, G; Labazuy, P; Williams-Jones, G.  Correlating hydrothermal system dynamics and eruptive activity - A case-study of Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Reunion.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2018,  363: 23-39  PDF DOI
50. Miller, CA; Currenti, G; Hamling, I; Williams-Jones, G.  Mass transfer processes in a post eruption hydrothermal system: Parameterisation of microgravity changes at Te Maari craters, New Zealand.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2018,  357: 39-55  PDF DOI
49. Roberti, G.; Ward, B.; van Wyk de Vries, B.; Falorni, G.; Menounos, B.; Friele, P.; Williams-Jones, G.; Clague, J.J.; Perotti, G.; Giardino, M.; Baldeon, G.;Freschi, S.  Landslides and glacier retreat at Mt. Meager volcano: Hazard and risk challenges.   Proceedings of the 7th Canadian Geohazards Conference: Engineering Resiliency in a Changing Climate.,  2018,    PDF
48. Miller, CA; Le Mevel, H; Currenti, G; Williams-Jones, G; Tikoff, B.  Microgravity changes at the Laguna del Maule volcanic field: Magma-induced stress changes facilitate mass addition.   Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth,  2017,  122: 3179-3196 DOI
47. Miller, CA; Williams-Jones, G; Fournier, D; Witter, J.  3D gravity inversion and thermodynamic modelling reveal properties of shallow silicic magma reservoir beneath Laguna del Maule, Chile.   Earth and Planetary Science Letters,  2017,  459: 14-27 DOI
46. Caudron, C.; Mauri, G.; Williams-Jones, G.; Lecocq, T.; Syahbana, D.; De Plaen, R.; Peiffer, L.; Bernard, A.; Saracco, G.  New insights into Kawah Ijen hydrothermal system from geophysical data.   Special Issue on Volcanic Lakes, Geological Society Special Publication,  2016,  437 DOI
45. MacQueen, P; Zurek, J; Williams-Jones, G.  Connected magma plumbing system between Cerro Negro and El Hoyo Complex, Nicaragua revealed by gravity survey.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2016,  327: 375-384  PDF DOI
44. Miller, CA; Williams-Jones, G.  Internal structure and volcanic hazard potential of Mt Tongariro, New Zealand, from 3D gravity and magnetic models.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2016,  319: 12-28 DOI
43. Venugopal, S.; Moune, S.; Williams-Jones, G.  Investigating the subsurface connection beneath Cerro Negro Volcano and the El Hoyo Complex, Nicaragua.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2016,  325 DOI
42. Singer, B., Andersen, N., Le Mével, H., Feigl, K., DeMets, C., Tikoff, B., Thurber, C., Jicha, B., Wespestad, C., Cardona, C., Córdova, L., Amigo, A., Unsworth, M., Cordell, D., Williams-Jones, G., Miller, C., Fierstein, J., Hildreth, W., Sruoga, P., Costa, F., Peterson, D., Keranen, K.  The large, restless, rhyolitic magma system at Laguna del Maule, southern Andes: Its dynamics and hazards.   Proceedings of the XIV Congreso Geologico Chileo.,  2015,  
41. Van Hinsberg, V., Vigouroux, N., Palmer, S., Berlo, K., Mauri, G., Williams-Jones, A., Mckenzie, J., Williams-Jones, G., Fischer, T.  Element flux to the environment of the passively degassing Kawah Ijen volcano, Indonesia, and implications for estimates of the global volcanic flux.   Special Issue on Volcanic Lakes, Geological Society Special Publication,  2015,  437 DOI
40. Williams-Jones, G.; Rymer, H.  Hazards of Volcanic Gases.   n H. Sigurdsson, B. Houghton, H. Rymer, J. Stix, S. McNutt (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes.,  2015,  2nd Ed. Academic Press, 985-992 DOI
39. Zurek, J; Williams-Jones, G; Trusdell, F; Martin, S.  The origin of Mauna Loa's Nnole Hills: Evidence of rift zone reorganization.   Geophysical Research Letters,  2015,  42: 8358-8366 DOI
38. King, J; Williams-Jones, AE; van Hinsberg, V; Williams-Jones, G.  High-Sulfidation Epithermal Pyrite-Hosted Au (Ag-Cu) Ore Formation by Condensed Magmatic Vapors on Sangihe Island, Indonesia.   Economic Geology,  2014,  109: 1705-1733 DOI
37. Singer, B., Andersen, N., Le Mével, H., Feigl, K., DeMets, C., Tikoff, B., Thurber, C., Jicha, B., Cardona, C., Córdova, L., Gil, F., Unsworth, M., Williams-Jones, G., Miller, C., Fierstein, J., Hildreth, W., Vazquez, J.  Dynamics of a large, restless, rhyolitic magma system at Laguna del Maule, southern Andes, Chile.   GSA Today,  2014,  24: 4-10 DOI
36. Scher, S; Williams-Jones, AE; Williams-Jones, G.  Fumarolic Activity, Acid-Sulfate Alteration, and High Sulfidation Epithermal Precious Metal Mineralization in the Crater of Kawah Ijen Volcano, Java, Indonesia.   Economic Geology,  2013,  108: 1099-1118 DOI
35. Vigouroux, N.; Williams-Jones, G.; Hickson, C.  Development of the MultiGAS for determining fumarole gas chemistry in geothermal systems.   Transactions - Geothermal Resources Council,  2013,  37: 1-14
34. Zurek, J; Williams-Jones, G.  The shallow structure of Kilauea caldera from high-resolution Bouguer gravity and total magnetic anomaly mapping: Insights into progressive magma reservoir growth.   Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth,  2013,  118: 3742-3752 DOI
33. Mauri, G; Williams-Jones, G; Saracco, G; Zurek, JM.  A geochemical and geophysical investigation of the hydrothermal complex of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2012,  227: 15-31 DOI
32. Vigouroux, N; Wallace, PJ; Williams-Jones, G; Kelley, K; Kent, AJR; Williams-Jones, AE.  The sources of volatile and fluid-mobile elements in the Sunda arc: A melt inclusion study from Kawah Ijen and Tambora volcanoes, Indonesia.   Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems,  2012,  13: Q09015 DOI
31. Zurek, J.M.; Williams-Jones, G.; Johnson, D.; Eggers, A.  Constraining volcanic inflation at Three Sisters Volcanic Field in Oregon, U.S.A., through microgravity and deformation modelling.   Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems,  2012,   DOI
30. Mauri, G; Williams-Jones, G; Saracco, G.  MWTmat-application of multiscale wavelet tomography on potential fields.   Computers & Geoscience,  2011,  37: 1825-1835 DOI
29. Mauri, G; Williams-Jones, G; Saracco, G.  Depth determinations of shallow hydrothermal systems by self-potential and multi-scale wavelet tomography.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2010,  191: 233-244 DOI
28. Hickson, C.J.; Kelman, M.C.; Chow, W.; Shimamura, K.; Servranckx, R.; Bensimon, D.; Cassidy, J.F.; Trudel, S.; Williams-Jones, G.  Nazko region volcanic hazard map.   Geological Survey of Canada, Open File,  2009,  5978
27. Nadeau, PA; Williams-Jones, G.  Apparent downwind depletion of volcanic SO2 flux-lessons from Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua.   Bulletin of Volcanology,  2009,  71: 389-400 DOI
26. Rymer, H.; Locke, C.A.; Borgia, A.; Martinez, M.; Brenes, J.; Van der Laat, R.; Williams-Jones, G.  Long-term fluctuations in volcanic activity: implications for future environmental impact.   Terra Nova,  2009,  21: 304-30 DOI
25. Branan, YK; Harris, A; Watson, IM; Phillips, JC; Horton, K; Williams-Jones, G; Garbeil, H.  Investigation of at-vent dynamics and dilution using thermal infrared radiometers at Masaya volcano, Nicaragua.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2008,  169: 34-47 DOI
24. Crider, JG; Johnsen, KH; Williams-Jones, G.  Thirty-year gravity change at Mount Baker Volcano, Washington, USA: Extracting the signal from under the ice.   Geophysical Research Letters,  2008,  35:L20304 DOI
23. Nadeau, P.A.; Williams-Jones, G.  Beyond COSPEC - Recent advances in SO2 monitoring technology.   In: Williams-Jones, G., Stix, J. & Hickson, C. (Eds.), The COSPEC Cookbook: Making SO2 Measurements at Active Volcanoes. IAVCEI Methods in Volcanology,  2008,  1: 219-233
22. Stix, J.; Williams-Jones, G.; Hickson, C.  Applying the COSPEC at Active Volcanoes.   In: Williams-Jones, G., Stix, J. & Hickson, C. (Eds.), The COSPEC Cookbook: Making SO2 Measurements at Active Volcanoes. IAVCEI Methods in Volcanology,  2008,  1: 121-167
21. Vigouroux, N; Williams-Jones, G; Chadwick, W; Geist, D; Ruiz, A; Johnson, D.  4D gravity changes associated with the 2005 eruption of Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos.   Geophysics,  2008,  73: WA29-WA35 DOI
20. Williams-Jones, G; Rymer, H; Mauri, G; Gottsmann, J; Poland, M; Carbone, D.  Toward continuous 4D microgravity monitoring of volcanoes.   Geophysics,  2008,  73: WA19-WA28 DOI
19. de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen, E; Rymer, H; Williams-Jones, G; Sturkell, E; Sigmundsson, F.  Integration of micro-gravity and geodetic data to constrain shallow system mass changes at Krafla Volcano, N Iceland.   Bulletin of Volcanology,  2006,  68: 420-431 DOI
18. Elias, T; Sutton, AJ; Oppenheimer, C; Horton, KA; Garbeil, H; Tsanev, V; McGonigle, AJS; Williams-Jones, G.  Comparison of COSPEC and two miniature ultraviolet spectrometer systems for SO(2) measurements using scattered sunlight.   Bulletin of Volcanology,  2006,  68: 313-322 DOI
17. Horton, KA; Williams-Jones, G; Garbeil, H; Elias, T; Sutton, AJ; Mouginis-Mark, P; Porter, JN; Clegg, S.  Real-time measurement of volcanic SO2 emissions: validation of a new UV correlation spectrometer (FLYSPEC).   Bulletin of Volcanology,  2006,  68: 323-327 DOI
16. Williams-Jones, G; Horton, KA; Elias, T; Garbeil, H; Mouginis-Mark, PJ; Sutton, AJ; Harris, AJL.  Accurately measuring volcanic plume velocity with multiple UV spectrometers.   Bulletin of Volcanology,  2006,  68: 328-332 DOI
15. Rymer, H; Locke, CA; Brenes, J; Williams-Jones, G.  Magma plumbing processes for persistent activity at Poas volcano, Costa Rica.   Geophysical Research Letters,  2005,  32: L08307 DOI
14. Fournier, N; Rymer, H; Williams-Jones, G; Brenes, J.  High-resolution gravity survey: Investigation of subsurface structures at Poas volcano, Costa Rica.   Geophysical Research Letters,  2004,  31: L15602 DOI
13. McGonigle, AJS; Delmelle, P; Oppenheimer, C; Tsanev, VI; Delfosse, T; Williams-Jones, G; Horton, K; Mather, TA.  SO2 depletion in tropospheric volcanic plumes.   Geophysical Research Letters,  2004,  31: L13201 DOI
12. Gottsmann, J.; Berrino, G.; Rymer, H.; Williams-Jones, G.  Hazard assessment during caldera unrest at the Campi Flegrei, Italy: A contribution from gravity-height gradients.   Earth and Planetary Science Letters,  2003,  211: 295-309 DOI
11. Williams-Jones, G.; Rymer, H.; Rothery, D. A.  Gravity changes and passive degassing at the Masaya caldera complex, Nicaragua.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2003,  123: 137-160 DOI
10. Williams-Jones, G.; Rymer, H.  Detecting volcanic eruption precursors: A new method using gravity and deformation measurements.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2002,  113: 379-389 DOI
9. Williams-Jones, G.  Integrated Geophysical Studies at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua.   Ph.D. Thesis, The Open University, UK.,  2001,  237
8. Williams-Jones, G.; Stix, J.; Heiligmann, M.; Barquero, J.; Fernandez, E.; Gonzalez, E. D.  A model of degassing and seismicity at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  2001,  108: 121-139 DOI
7. Rymer, H.; Williams-Jones, G.  Volcanic eruption prediction: Magma chamber physics from gravity and deformation measurements.   Geophysical Research Letters,  2000,  27: 2389 DOI
6. Williams-Jones, G.; Stix, J.; Heiligmann, M.; Charland, A.; Sherwood Lollar, B.; Arner, N.; Garzón, G.V.; Barquero, J.; Fernandez, E.  A model of diffuse degassing at three subduction-related volcanoes.   Bulletin of Volcanology,  2000,  62: 130-142 DOI
5. Delmelle, P., Baxter, P., Beaulieu, A., Burton, M., Francis, P., Garcia-Alvarez, J., Horrocks, L., Navarro, M., Oppenheimer, P., Rothery, D., Rymer, H., St. Amand, K., Stix, J., Strauch, W., Williams-Jones, G.  Origin, effects of Masaya volcano's continued unrest probed in Nicaragua.   Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union,  1999,  80 DOI
4. Rymer, H.; van Wyk de Vries, B.; Stix, J.; Williams-Jones, G.  Pit crater structure and processes governing persistent activity at Masaya Volcano, Nicaragua.   Bulletin of Volcanology,  1998,  59: 345-355 DOI
3. Williams-Jones, G.; Williams-Jones, A.E.; Stix, J.  The nature and origin of Venusian canali.   Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets,  1998,  103: 8545-8555 DOI
2. Heiligmann, M; Stix, J; Williams-Jones, G; Sherwood Lollar, B; Garzón, GV.  Distal degassing of radon and carbon dioxide on Galeras volcano, Colombia.   Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research,  1997,  77: 267-283  PDF DOI
1. Williams-Jones, G.  The Distribution and Origin of Radon, CO2 and SO2 Gases at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica.   M.Sc. Thesis, Université de Montréal,  1996,  135
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