Publications of Chris Kennedy

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93. Kennedy, CJ.  (2021)   P-glycoprotein induction and its energetic costs in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  Fish Physiol. Biochem. 47: 265-279 DOI  PubMed
92. Lin, F; Baillon, L; Langlois, VS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2021)   Environmental modulators of diluted bitumen effects in juvenile pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha).  Mar. Environ. Res. 169 DOI  PubMed
91. Love, RC; Osachoff, HL; Kennedy, CJ.  (2021)   Short communication: Tissue-specific transcript expression of P-glycoprotein isoforms abcb1a and abcb1b in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following induction with clotrimazole.  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B-Biochem. Mol. Biol. 252 DOI  PubMed
90. Mill, K; Kennedy, CJ.  (2021)   Lethal and sublethal effects of the anti-sea lice formulation Salmosan (R) on the Pacific spot prawn (Pandalus platyceros).  J. World Aquacult. Soc. DOI
89. Mill, K; Sahota, C; Hayek, K; Kennedy, CJ.  (2021)   Effects of sea louse chemotherapeutants on early life stages of the spot prawn (Pandalus platyceros).  Aquac. Res. DOI
88. Sahota, C; Hayek, K; Surbey, B; Kennedy, CJ.  (2021)   Lethal and sublethal effects in Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) following exposure to five aquaculture chemotherapeutants.  Ecotoxicology DOI  PubMed
87. Strachan, F; Kennedy, CJ.  (2021)   The environmental fate and effects of anti-sea lice chemotherapeutants used in salmon aquaculture.  Aquaculture 544 DOI
86. Alderman, SL; Dilkumar, CM; Avey, SR; Farrell, AP; Kennedy, CJ; Gillis, TE.  (2020)   Effects of diluted bitumen exposure and recovery on the seawater acclimation response of Atlantic salmon smolts.  Aquat. Toxicol. 221 DOI  PubMed
85. Avey, SR; Kennedy, CJ; Farrell, AP; Gillis, TE; Alderman, SL.  (2020)   Effects of diluted bitumen exposure on Atlantic salmon smolts: Molecular and metabolic responses in relation to swimming performance.  Aquat. Toxicol. 221 DOI  PubMed
84. Lin, F; Osachoff, HL; Kennedy, CJ.  (2020)   Physiological disturbances in juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) exposed to the water-soluble fraction of diluted bitumen.  Aquat. Toxicol. 220 DOI  PubMed
83. Marlatt, VL; Leung, TYG; Calbick, S; Metcalfe, C; Kennedy, C.  (2019)   Sub-lethal effects of a neonicotinoid, clothianidin, on wild early life stage sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka).  Aquat. Toxicol. 217 DOI  PubMed
82. Alderman, SL; Lin, F; Gillis, TE; Farrell, AP; Kennedy, CJ.  (2018)   Developmental and latent effects of diluted bitumen exposure on early life stages of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka).  Aquat. Toxicol. 202 DOI  PubMed
81. Trowell, JJ; Gobas, FAPC; Moore, MM; Kennedy, CJ.  (2018)   Estimating the Bioconcentration Factors of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds from Biotransformation Rates Using Rainbow Trout Hepatocytes.  Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 75 DOI  PubMed
80. Alderman, SL; Dindia, LA; Kennedy, CJ; Farrell, AP; Gillis, TE.  (2017)   Proteomic analysis of sockeye salmon serum as a tool for biomarker discovery and new insight into the sublethal toxicity of diluted bitumen.  Comp. Biochem. Physiol. D-Genomics Proteomics 22: 157-166 DOI
79. Alderman, SL; Lin, F; Farrell, AP; Kennedy, CJ; Gillis, TE.  (2017)   Effects of diluted bitumen exposure on juvenile sockeye salmon: From cells to performance.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36: 354-360 DOI
78. Du Gas, LM; Ross, PS; Walker, J; Marlatt, VL; Kennedy, CJ.  (2017)   Effects of atrazine and chlorothalonil on the reproductive success, development, and growth of early life stage Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka).  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 36: 1354-1364 DOI
77. Jackson, JS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2017)   Regulation of hepatic abcb4 and cyp3a65 gene expression and multidrug/multixenobiotic resistance (MDR/MXR) functional activity in the model teleost, Danio rerio (zebrafish).  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 200: 34-41 DOI
75. Marlatt, VL; Sherrard, R; Kennedy, CJ; Elphick, JR; Martyniuk, CJ.  (2016)   Application of molecular endpoints in early life stage salmonid environmental biomonitoring.  Aquatic Toxicology 173: 178-191 DOI
74. Osachoff, HL; Brown, LLY; Tirrul, L; van Aggelen, GC; Brinkman, FSL; Kennedy, CJ.  (2016)   Time course of hepatic gene expression and plasma vitellogenin protein concentrations in estrone-exposed juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics 19: 112-119 DOI
73. Kennedy, CJ; Smyth, KR.  (2015)   Disruption of the rainbow trout reproductive endocrine axis by the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon benzo[a]pyrene.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 219: 102-111 DOI
72. Lo, BP; Elphick, JR; Bailey, HC; Baker, JA; Kennedy, CJ.  (2015)   The effect of sulfate on selenate bioaccumulation in two freshwater primary producers: A duckweed (Lemna minor) and a green alga (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata).  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34: 2841-2845 DOI
71. Lo, JC; Campbell, DA; Kennedy, CJ; Gobas, FAPC.  (2015)   Somatic and gastrointestinal in vivo biotransformation rates of hydrophobic chemicals in fish.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34: 2282-2294 DOI  PubMed
70. Kennedy, CJ; Tierney, KB; Mittelstadt, M.  (2014)   Inhibition of P-glycoprotein in the blood-brain barrier alters avermectin neurotoxicity and swimming performance in rainbow trout.  Aquatic Toxicology 146: 176-185 DOI
69. Lee, YS; Lee, DHY; Delafoulhouze, M; Otton, SV; Moore, MM; Kennedy, CJ; Gobas, FAPC.  (2014)   IN VITRO BIOTRANSFORMATION RATES IN FISH LIVER S9: EFFECT OF DOSING TECHNIQUES.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 33: 1885-1893 DOI  PubMed
68. Marlatt, VL; Sun, JY; Curran, CA; Bailey, HC; Kennedy, CK; Elphick, JR; Martyniuk, CJ.  (2014)   Molecular responses to 17 beta-estradiol in early life stage salmonids.  General and Comparative Endocrinology 203: 203-214 DOI  PubMed
67. Osachoff, HL; Mohammadali, M; Skirrow, RC; Hall, ER; Brown, LLY; van Aggelen, GC; Kennedy, CJ; Helbing, CC.  (2014)   Evaluating the treatment of a synthetic wastewater containing a pharmaceutical and personal care product chemical cocktail: Compound removal efficiency and effects on juvenile rainbow trout.  Water Research 62: 271-280 DOI  PubMed
66. Osachoff, HL; Osachoff, KN; Wickramaratne, AE; Gunawardane, EK; Venturini, FP; Kennedy, CJ.  (2014)   Altered burst swimming in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss exposed to natural and synthetic oestrogens.  Journal of Fish Biology 85: 210-227 DOI  PubMed
65. Goulding, AT; Shelley, LK; Ross, PS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2013)   Reduction in swimming performance in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following sublethal exposure to pyrethroid insecticides.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 157: 280-286 DOI
64. Marlatt, VL; Lo, BP; Ornostay, A; Hogan, NS; Kennedy, CJ; Elphick, JR; Martyniuk, CJ.  (2013)   The effects of the urea-based herbicide linuron on reproductive endpoints in the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas).  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 157: 24-32 DOI
63. Osachoff, HL; Shelley, LK; Furtula, V; van Aggelen, GC; Kennedy, CJ.  (2013)   Induction and Recovery of Estrogenic Effects After Short-Term 17 beta-Estradiol Exposure in Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 65: 276-285 DOI
62. Osachoff, HL; van Aggelen, GC; Mommsen, TP; Kennedy, CJ.  (2013)   Concentration-response relationships and temporal patterns in hepatic gene expression of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) exposed to sewage.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology D-Genomics & Proteomics 8: 32-44 DOI
61. Ross, PS; Kennedy, CJ; Shelley, LK; Tierney, KB; Patterson, DA; Fairchild, WL; Macdonald, RW.  (2013)   The trouble with salmon: relating pollutant exposure to toxic effect in species with transformational life histories and lengthy migrations.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70: 1252-1264 DOI
60. Shelley, LK; Osachoff, HL; van Aggelen, GC; Ross, PS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2013)   Alteration of immune function endpoints and differential expression of estrogen receptor isoforms in leukocytes from 17 beta-estradiol exposed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  General and Comparative Endocrinology 180: 24-32 DOI
59. Furtula, V; Liu, J; Chambers, P; Osachoff, H; Kennedy, C; Harkness, J.  (2012)   Sewage Treatment Plants Efficiencies in Removal of Sterols and Sterol Ratios as Indicators of Fecal Contamination Sources.  Water Air and Soil Pollution 223: 1017-1031 DOI
58. Kennedy CK, Ross PS.  (2012)   Stress syndromes: Heightened bioenergetic costs associated with contaminant exposure at warm temperatures in teleosts.  Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 8: 202–204  Website DOI
57. Kennedy, CJ; Picard, C.  (2012)   Chronic low pH exposure affects the seawater readiness of juvenile Pacific sockeye salmon.  Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 38: 1131-1143 DOI
56. Lee, YS; Otton, SV; Campbell, DA; Moore, MM; Kennedy, CJ; Gobas, FAPC.  (2012)   Measuring In Vitro Biotransformation Rates of Super Hydrophobic Chemicals in Rat Liver S9 Fractions Using Thin-Film Sorbent-Phase Dosing.  Environmental Science & Technology 46: 410-418 DOI  PubMed
55. Shelley, LK; Ross, PS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2012)   Immunotoxic and cytotoxic effects of atrazine, permethrin and piperonyl butoxide to rainbow trout following in vitro exposure.  Fish & Shellfish Immunology 33: 455-458 DOI
54. Shelley, LK; Ross, PS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2012)   The effects of an in vitro exposure to 17 beta-estradiol and nonylphenol on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) peripheral blood leukocytes.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 155: 440-446 DOI
53. Shelley, LK; Ross, PS; Miller, KM; Kaukinen, KH; Kennedy, CJ.  (2012)   Toxicity of atrazine and nonylphenol in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Effects on general health, disease susceptibility and gene expression.  Aquatic Toxicology 124: 217-226 DOI
52. Waliwitiya, R; Nicholson, RA; Kennedy, CJ; Lowenberger, CA.  (2012)   The Synergistic Effects of Insecticidal Essential Oils and Piperonyl Butoxide on Biotransformational Enzyme Activities in Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae).  Journal of Medical Entomology 49: 614-623 DOI
50. Blanc, AM; Holland, LG; Rice, SD; Kennedy, CJ.  (2010)   Anthropogenically sourced low concentration PAHS: In situ bioavailability to juvenile Pacific salmon.  Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 73: 849-857 DOI
49. Tierney, KB; Baldwin, DH; Hara, TJ; Ross, PS; Scholz, NL; Kennedy, CJ.  (2010)   Olfactory toxicity in fishes.  Aquatic Toxicology 96: 2-26 DOI
48. Gourley, ME; Kennedy, CJ.  (2009)   Energy allocations to xenobiotic transport and biotransformation reactions in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) during energy intake restriction.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 150: 270-278 DOI
47. Hildebrand, JL; Bains, OS; Lee, DSH; Kennedy, CJ.  (2009)   Functional and energetic characterization of P-gp-mediated doxorubicin transport in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) hepatocytes.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 149: 65-72 DOI
46. Shelley, LK; Balfry, SK; Ross, PS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2009)   Immunotoxicological effects of a sub-chronic exposure to selected current-use pesticides in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  Aquatic Toxicology 92: 95-103 DOI
45. Tierney, K.B. and C.J. Kennedy.  (2009)   Background Toxicology.  Edited by P.J. Walsh, S. Smith, L. Fleming, H. Solo-Gabriele and W. Gerwick. Academic Press. pp. 101-120.
44. Tierney, KB; Patterson, DA; Kennedy, CJ.  (2009)   The influence of maternal condition on offspring performance in sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka.  Journal of Fish Biology 75: 1244-1257 DOI
43. Waliwitiya, R., Kennedy, C., and Lowenberger, C.  (2009)   Larvicidal and antiovipositional activity of monoterpenoids and rosemary oil to the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae).  Pest Management Science 65: 241-248.  Website DOI
42. Kennedy, CJ; Farrell, AP.  (2008)   Immunological alterations in juvenile Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, exposed to aqueous hydrocarbons derived from crude oil.  Environmental Pollution 153: 638-648 DOI
41. Kennedy, CJ; Tierney, KB.  (2008)   Energy intake affects the biotransformation rate, scope for induction, and metabolite profile of benzo[a]pyrene in rainbow trout.  Aquatic Toxicology 90: 172-181 DOI
40. Lizardo-Daudt, HM; Bains, OS; Singh, CR; Kennedy, CJ.  (2008)   Cadmium chloride-induced disruption of testicular steroidogenesis in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 55: 103-110 DOI
39. Lizardo-Daudt, HM; Kennedy, C.  (2008)   Effects of cadmium chloride on the development of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss early life stages.  Journal of Fish Biology 73: 702-718 DOI
38. Rudolph, BL; Andreller, I; Kennedy, CJ.  (2008)   Reproductive success, early life stage development, and survival of westslope cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) exposed to elevated selenium in an area of active coal mining.  Environmental Science & Technology 42: 3109-3114 DOI
37. Tierney, KB; Sampson, JL; Ross, PS; Sekela, MA; Kennedy, CJ.  (2008)   Salmon olfaction is impaired by an environmentally realistic pesticide mixture.  Environmental Science & Technology 42: 4996-5001 DOI
36. Lizardo-Daudt, HM; Bains, OS; Singh, CR; Kennedy, CJ.  (2007)   Biosynthetic capacity of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) interrenal tissue after cadmium exposure.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 52: 90-96
35. Loveridge, AR; Bishop, CA; Elliott, JE; Kennedy, CJ.  (2007)   Polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides bioaccumulated in green frogs, Rana clamitans, from the lower fraser valley, British Columbia, Canada.  Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 79: 315-318 DOI
34. Tierney, K; Casselman, M; Takeda, S; Farrell, T; Kennedy, C.  (2007)   The relationship between cholinesterase inhibition and two types of swimming performance in chlorpyrifos-exposed coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 26: 998-1004
33. Tierney, KB; Ross, PS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2007)   Linuron and carbaryl differentially impair baseline amino acid and bile salt olfactory responses in three salmonids.  Toxicology 231: 175-187 DOI
32. Tierney, KB; Singh, CR; Ross, PS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2007)   Relating olfactory neurotoxicity to altered olfactory-mediated behaviors in rainbow trout exposed to three currently-used pesticides.  Aquatic Toxicology 81: 55-64 DOI
31. Kennedy, CJ; Farrell, AP.  (2006)   Effects of exposure to the water-soluble fraction of crude oil on the swimming performance and the metabolic and ionic recovery postexercise in pacific herring (Clupea pallasi).  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25: 2715-2724
30. Tierney, KB; Ross, PS; Jarrard, HE; Delaney, KR; Kennedy, CJ.  (2006)   Changes in juvenile coho salmon electro-olfactogram during and after short-term exposure to current-use pesticides.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 25: 2809-2817
29. Tierney, KB; Taylor, AL; Ross, PS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2006)   The alarm reaction of coho salmon parr is impaired by the carbamate fungicide IPBC.  Aquatic Toxicology 79: 149-157
28. Bains, OS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2005)   Alterations in respiration rate of isolated rainbow trout hepatocytes exposed to the P-glycoprotein substrate rhodamine 123.  Toxicology 214: 87-98
27. Kennedy, CJ; Farrell, AP.  (2005)   Ion homeostasis and interrenal stress responses in juvenile Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, exposed to the water-soluble fraction of crude oil.  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 323: 43-56
26. Bains, OS; Kennedy, CJ.  (2004)   Energetic costs of pyrene metabolism in isolated hepatocytes of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.  Aquatic Toxicology 67: 217-226
25. Farrell, AP; Kennedy, CJ; Kolok, A.  (2004)   Effects of wastewater from an oil-sand-refining operation on survival, hematology, gill histology, and swimming of fathead minnows.  Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie 82: 1519-1527
24. Jarrard, HE; Delaney, KR; Kennedy, CJ.  (2004)   Impacts of carbamate pesticides on olfactory neurophysiology and cholinesterase activity in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch).  Aquatic Toxicology 69: 133-148
23. Kennedy, CJ; Higgs, D; Tierney, K.  (2004)   Influence of diet and ration level on benzo[a]pyrene metabolism and excretion in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 47: 379-386
22. Morrow, MD; Higgs, D; Kennedy, CJ.  (2004)   The effects of diet composition and ration on biotransformation enzymes and stress parameters in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 137: 143-154
21. Tierney, KB; Farrell, AP; Kennedy, CJ.  (2004)   The differential leucocyte landscape of four teleosts: juvenile Oncorhynchus kisutch, Clupea pallasi, Culaea inconstans and Pimephales promelas.  Journal of Fish Biology 65: 906-919
20. Tierney, KB; Stockner, E; Kennedy, CJ.  (2004)   Changes in immunological parameters and disease resistance in juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) in response to dehydroabietic acid exposure under varying thermal conditions.  Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 39: 175-182
19. Basu, N; Kennedy, CJ; Iwama, GK.  (2003)   The effects of stress on the association between hsp70 and the glucocorticoid receptor in rainbow trout.  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 134: 655-663
18. Kennedy, CJ.  (2003)   Uptake and accumulation of mercury from dental amalgam in the common goldfish, Carassius auratus.  Environmental Pollution 121: 321-326
17. Maltby, JB; Albright, LJ; Kennedy, CJ; Higgs, DA.  (2003)   Effect of route of administration and carrier on bioavailability and kinetics of astaxanthin in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L.  Aquaculture Research 34: 829-838
16. Basu, N; Kennedy, CJ; Hodson, PV; Iwama, GK.  (2001)   Altered stress responses in rainbow trout following a dietary administration of cortisol and beta-napthoflavone.  Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 25: 131-140
15. Farrell, AP; Kennedy, C; Cheng, WN; Lemke, MA.  (2001)   Acute toxicity of monochloramine to juvenile chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha Walbaum) and Ceriodaphnia dubia.  Water Quality Research Journal of Canada 36: 133-149
14. Bendell-Young, LI; Bennett, KE; Crowe, A; Kennedy, CJ; Kermode, AR; Moore, MM; Plant, AL; Wood, A.  (2000)   Ecological characteristics of wetlands receiving an industrial effluent.  Ecological Applications 10: 310-322
13. Kennedy, CJ; McDonald, LE; Loveridge, R; Strosher, MM.  (2000)   The effect of bioaccumulated selenium on mortalities and deformities in the eggs, larvae, and fry of a wild population of cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi).  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 39: 46-52
12. Seubert, JM; Kennedy, CJ.  (2000)   Benzo[a]pyrene toxicokinetics in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) acclimated to different salinities.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 38: 342-349
11. Ganassin, RC; Sanders, SM; Kennedy, CJ; Joyce, EM; Bols, NC.  (1999)   Development and characterization of a cell line from Pacific herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, sensitive to both naphthalene cytotoxicity and infection by viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus.  Cell Biology and Toxicology 15: 299-309
10. Johnston, BD; Alexander, G; Kennedy, CJ.  (1999)   Thermal modulation of the toxicokinetics of benzo[a]pyrene in isolated hepatocytes of sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria), black rockfish (Sebastes melanops), and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus).  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Pharmacology Toxicology & Endocrinology 124: 157-164
9. Farrell, AP; Kennedy, CJ; Wood, A; Johnston, BD; Bennett, WR.  (1998)   Acute toxicity of a didecyldimethylammonium chloride-based wood preservative, Bardac 2280, to aquatic species.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17: 1552-1557
8. Farrell, AP; Stockner, E; Kennedy, CJ.  (1998)   A study of the lethal and sublethal toxicity of polyphase P-100, an antisapstain fungicide containing 3-iodo-2-propynyl butyl carbamate (IPBC), on fish and aquatic invertebrates.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 35: 472-478
7. Johnston, BD; Seubert, JM; Kennedy, CJ.  (1998)   Biochemical effects of didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) exposure and osmoregulatory stress on juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 34: 275-279
6. Wilson, JM; Vijayan, MM; Kennedy, CJ; Iwama, GK; Moon, TW.  (1998)   beta-naphthoflavone abolishes interrenal sensitivity to ACTH stimulation in rainbow trout.  Journal of Endocrinology 157: 63-70
5. Lemke, MA; Kennedy, CJ.  (1997)   The uptake, distribution and metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene in coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) during the parr-smolt transformation.  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16: 1384-1388
4. Seubert, JM; Kennedy, CJ.  (1997)   The toxicokinetics of benzo[a]pyrene in juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch, during smoltification.  Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 16: 437-447
3. Vijayan, MM; Pereira, C; Forsyth, RB; Kennedy, CJ; Iwama, GK.  (1997)   Handling stress does not affect the expression of hepatic heat shock protein 70 and conjugation enzymes in rainbow trout treated with beta-naphthoflavone.  Life Sciences 61: 117-127
2. Wood, AW; Johnston, BD; Farrell, AP; Kennedy, CJ.  (1996)   Effects of didecyldimethylammonium chloride (DDAC) on the swimming performance, gill morphology, disease resistance, and biochemistry of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53: 2424-2432
1. Kennedy, Christopher Jesse.  (1990)   Toxicokinetic Studies of Chlorinated Phenols and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  PhD Thesis. Binding Date: 5/1/1990
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